= 2.11.11 – 07.01.2025 =
Fixed: ZIP file vulnerability fix.


= 2.11.10 – 20.12.2024 =
Update: Extended the upsells notifications system to include Image Proofing extension.

= 2.11.9 – 19.12.2024 =
Fixed: Text domain loading

= 2.11.8 – 17.12.2024 =
Update: Seasonal promotions notifications

= 2.11.7 – 14.12.2024 =
Fixed: PHP Throwing warning in certain cases

= 2.11.6 – 06.12.2024 =
Changed: Adjustments to the promotion notices for Modula

= 2.11.5 – 05.12.2024 =
Fixed: Resolved infinite REST notification retries when the user lacks the manage_options capability.
Fixed: Addressed an undefined JavaScript error that occurred outside the Modula edit screen.

= 2.11.4 – 04.12.2024 =
Fixed: Search for galleries with numeric title.
Fixed: Incompatibility with “Multisite Shared Media Library” plugin
Changed: Sticky save/update metabox in edit gallery screen.
Changed: Side metaboxes reorder functionality in edit gallery screen.
Changed: Collapse functionality for metaboxes in edit gallery screen.

= 2.11.3 – 27.11.2024 =
Fixed: PHP Warning
Fixed: Gallery item has data-width and data-height on non-required gallery types
Fixed: Notification action URL encoding

= 2.11.2 – 20.11.2024 =
Added: Increased functionality for sanitization of gallery settings.

= 2.11.1 – 06.11.2024 =
Changed: Notification action option to permanently dissmiss a notice.

= 2.11.0 – 24.10.2024 =
Added: Upload images from folder functionality
Added: Upload images from zip file functionality
Added: New notifications system

= 2.10.3 – 10.10.2024 =
Fixed: Upload position setting not being saved.

= 2.10.2 – 30.09.2024 =
Added: Multiple columns for the Masonry gallery type
Fixed: Sanitize captions for fancybox (security fix)

= 2.10.1 – 19.09.2024 =
Changed: Hide instead of disable admin settings on parent change.
Fixed: PHP warning: undefined value.
Added: General settings upsell for Modula Video
Fixed: Guntenberg js errors

= 2.10.0 – 10.09.2024 =
Fixed: Debug metabox default to off
Added: Image upload position choice, users can now choose where to upload images in the gallery.
Changed: UI improvements for the gallery edit page.

= 2.9.5 – 09.09.2024 =
Fixed: Compatibility with ACF Pro
Fixed: Not importing sourge-gallery captions for existing media images.
Fixed: Admin table listing error when searching for string containing %s.

= 2.9.4 – 30.08.2024 =
Removed: Build files from repository.

= 2.9.3 – 30.08.2024 =
Added: Added rest fields for metafields.

= 2.9.2 – 29.08.2024 =
Fixed: Security fix for Gallery CPT export

= 2.9.1 – 14.08.2024 =
Fixed: PHP warning: undefined key.
Added: RTL elements orientation option added to isotope script.

= 2.9.0 – 12.08.2024 =
Added: bnb like gallery layout upsell setting.
Fixed: Error with Elementor theme builder.
Fixed: No gallery preview in gutenberg editor.
Changed: Move body_class filter to a higher priority
Added: Image option to hide the title
Added: Search gallery by id
Added: Filter galleries admin list table by gallery type.

= 2.8.19 – 30.07.2024 =
Fixed: Error with Divi builder.

= 2.8.18 – 30.07.2024 =
Fixed: Images inserted from the WordPress Media Library were not scaling correctly in the custom grid-type gallery.

= 2.8.17 – 30.07.2024 =
Added: WordPress Media library option to add selected(grid) or checked(list) images to a Modula gallery.
Changed: Removed WPChill tracking option.

= 2.8.16 – 20.07.2024 =
Fixed: Edit/New gallery was not working properly due to debug class

= 2.8.15 – 19.07.2024 =
Changed: Update Twitter logo in share.
Changed: Removed compatibility code that was creating issues in mobile lightboxes.
Fixed: Gallery custom CSS ‘>’ selector was html encoded and not working on front-end.
Changed: Image licensing license selector design.
Fixed: Admin menu ordering.
Changed: Captions “Title Color” & “Title Font Size” defaults.
Fixed: Captions & title child settings cannot be edited after toggling parent setting ON.
Fixed: Gallery deug metabox won’t stay on.

= 2.8.14 – 08.07.2024 =
Added: Support for Modula Image SEO addon
Changed: Compatibility for Modula Slider with Fancybox Carousel & Guttenberg block

= 2.8.13 – 26.06.2024 =
Changed: Optimize galleries DB count chech for onboarding display.
Fixed: Removed lightbox double zoom button fancybox 5 compatibility.
Fixed: Admin settings tooltip display over icon radio.

= 2.8.12 – 13.06.2024 =
Added: Options to change lightbox transition and slide animation
Fixed: Modula Albums compatibility function resets album js config settings.

= 2.8.11 – 11.06.2024 =
Fixed: Elements floating on top of Lightbox

= 2.8.10 – 11.06.2024 =
Fixed: CSS Issues for logged in users
Added: Support for thumbnail positions (Modula PRO)

= 2.8.8 – 07.06.2024 =
Fixed: Scoped CSS classes for modula (fixes conflicting themes/plugins for third party libs)

= 2.8.7 – 06.06.2024 =
Fixed: Reset fancybox image styles (v3 compatibility fix)

= 2.8.6 – 04.06.2024 =
Fixed: JS was not minimized in prev. version

= 2.8.5 – 03.06.2024 =
Fixed: Lightbox swiping does not work ( compatibility with Modula PRO )
Changed: Added a “Do not show this notice again” button in the tracking notice.

= 2.8.4 – 31.05.2024 =
Changed: Social icons buttons popup.
Fixed: Thumbnail navigation showing at the bottom of the lightbox.
Fixed: Social settings buttons getting stuck if disabled and enabled.
Fixed: Removed extra comma triggering “Syntax error” on php < 7.3
Fixed: Guttenberg galleries fatal error
Added: fancybox-image element width and height
Fixed: Divi Builder compatibility

= 2.8.3 – 28.05.2024 =
Fixed: Close button not showing in lightbox

= 2.8.2 – 27.05.2024 =
Fixed: Fatal error in some systems because the “`” was used instead of “‘”

= 2.8.1 – 27.05.2024 =
Changed: Plugin analytics and tracking moved to plugin settings
Changed: Improved analytics notice text

= 2.8.0 – 27.05.2024 =
Changed: Save gallery settings with the right format.
Changed: Hover effects cursor not changing in previewer.
Fixed: Troubleshooting scripts not being enqueued.
Changed: Lightbox & links settings – overhaul.
Fixed: Welcome page header flex properly spaced.
Changed: Removed feedback notification.
Changed: Upgraded lightbox to Fancybox 5.
Changed: Improved publish metabox.
Added: Focusable images using “Tab” key and selecting images using “Enter” key for ADA Compliance.
Fixed: ADA compliance issues.
Added: Made lightbox strings translatable.
Added: Backwards compatibility to update Modula Speedup cdn.
Changed: Social shares now share the page and added Rich View Snippets for social shares.
Fixed: Social shares accesibility notices.

= 2.7.95 – 17.04.2024 =
Changed: Change image attribution license selection from radio to select input
Fixed: Accesibility fix for aria-label when lightbox display is used.
Fixed: Direct documentation link for each plugin setting tab.


= 2.7.9 – 21.11.2023 =
Added: Upsells seasonal offers.

= 2.7.8 – 23.10.2023 =
Fixed: Addons in “Partners” page not updating their install status.
Changed: Custom post type name from “Galleries” to “Modula Galleries” to avoid confusion between other galleries.
Added: Placeholder for text settings inputs and placeholders for image dimensions.
Changed: Gallery image changes are now saved on post update not every time an image was edited.
Changed: Updated enqueue methods for css & js.
Changed: Active hover effect on top of list.

= 2.7.7 – 14.09.2023 =
-Changed: Hidden “Debug gallery” meta box by default.
-Fixed: Image attribution when “none” is selected

= 2.7.6 – 12.09.2023 =
-Fixed: Lazyload and srcset bug

= 2.7.5 – 11.09.2023 =
-Added: “Getting Started” page.
-Added: Image Atributtion
-Fixed: Lazy load not working properly.
-Fixed: data-src attribute now contains the link to the original image instead of the scaled WP image.
-Fixed: Compatibility with Elementor popup.
-Fixed: Security issue.
-Fixed: Parenthesis in Gutenberg pull-down choice menu wrongly spaced.
-Fixed: PHP warning: Undefined property.
-Fixed: Fix type for $parent_slug.
-Fixed: Shuffle Images setting disabled for Masonry gallery type
-Fixed: Fatal error if “grid_type” is not properly set.
-Fixed: “Save Gallery” text should be “Publish Gallery” if gallery is a draft.
-Fixed: Show changes to image’s alignment in backend.
-Fixed: Headers already sent warning with Divi theme.
-Fixed: Do not add srcset and sizes if image is cropped
-Changed: Removed tracking.
-Changed: Documentation link.
-Changed: Removed upsell from “General” tab.
-Changed: Removed Modula Defaults upsell from single gallery view (edit) metabox.
-Changed: Removed “Get in Touch” link.
-Changed: Removed “About us” & “Contact us for Support” links.
-Changed: Removed “About” page.
-Changed: Removed settings sidebar upseells & added Whitelabel upsell tab.
-Changed: Removed “Powered By Modula” meta option.
-Changed: Removed “Earn Money” tab.
-Changed: Reorganised admin menu.
-Changed: Removed title from image links.
-Changed: Migrate closing lightbox with Esc button functionality from PRO to LITE
-Changed: New gallery Gutenberg block
-Added: “Dashboard” page.
-Added: Image Attribution functionality.

= 2.7.4 – 28.03.2023 =
-Fixed: Undefined index if default value for gallery setting input fields not set
-Fixed: Lightbox error if image caption has ‘”‘ and thumbnails navigation on

= 2.7.3 – 15.03.2023 =
-Fixed: No content in lightbox

= 2.7.2 – 13.03.2023 =
-Fixed: Enqueue welcome banner assets only on the welcome page
-Fixed: Issue preventing the display of texts according to the user language
-Changed: Removed “href” attribute from the image’s <a> tag.
-Changed: “Not installed” badge if Slider addon is included in license
-Added: New hover effect “Centered Bottom”
-Added: Check user capabilities when addong/removing images from a gallery.
-Fixed: Widths and Heights are empty when changing gallery types.
-Fixed: Only having private galleries shows “Create your first gallery” page.
-Fixed: Private galleries won’t display for non logged-in users.
-Fixed: Error when triggering file deletion
-Fixed: Gallery type icons coloring


= 2.7.1 – 15.12.2022 =
-Fixed: Incorrect placement of ‘.

= 2.7.0 – 12.12.2022 =
-Changed: Custom icons for Modula Settings.
-Fixed: Fancybox error.
-Changed: Modula uninstall process – proper target the inputs with js.
-Fixed: jQuery .load() deprecated warning.
-Added: Create new gallery welcome screen.
-Fixed: WP Core galleries migration.
-Fixed: Issue preventing gallery status change in gallery edit.
-Fixed: Screen options not working when editing a gallery.
-Fixed: Empty blocks in admin custom grid gallery edit.
-Fixed: Security issue.

= 2.6.92 – 24.10.2022 =
-Changed: Responsive tab settings no longer collapse on setting disabling.
-Fixed: Misc settings nonce bug.

= 2.6.91 – 20.10.2022 =
-Changed: Metabox Accordeons no longer collapse on setting disabling.
-Fixed: Show only image size that is in effect on “Image Size” admin setting.
-Added: Nonce verification and admin user validation for troubleshooting options.

= 2.6.9 – 18.10.2022 =
-Fixed: Error preventing the opening of lightbox when “Lazy Load” is turned off.

= 2.6.8 – 18.10.2022 =
-Changed: Modula won’t query for Modula Galleries if Divi Builder is not in edit mode.
-Fixed: Warnings if images could not be resized.
-Changed: Deactivation survey visual Enhancement.
-Added: A setting to remove srcset from images.
-Fixed: Preventing the addition of custom image size if it’s the same as the original.
-Changed: Removed “Open image in a lightbox” tooltip when hovering over an gallery image.
-Added: Metabox accordions.
-Changed: WCAG compliance.

= 2.6.7 – 08.06.2022 =
-Fixed: Sanitization & escapes.
-Fixed: Medicare WP theme compatibility.
-Fixed: Gallery titles with messy display names in Gutenberg.
-Added: Possibility to exclude certain images from the lightbox.

= 2.6.6 – 02.05.2022 =
-Fixed: Sanitization not showing quotation marks in image title.
-Changed: Last image arrow in lightbox is now hidden.

= 2.6.5 – 04.04.2022 =
-Added: Migrate away from PhotoBlocks Gallery
-Changed: Modified the About page.

= 2.6.4 – 28.03.2022 =
-Changed: Added Modula Envira Migrator & Final Tiles Migrator to free extensions.

= 2.6.3 – 21.03.2022 =
-Fixed: Sanitization and preparation for WP Core galleries import.
-Fixed: Metaboxes forever opened and arrows hidden.
-Fixed: Custom Posts Gutenberg block – now available everywhere Gutenberg is.
-Fixed: React warnings.
-Fixed: Blank links in accessibility reports.

= 2.6.2 – 22.02.2022 =
-Fixed: Mime type giving error if no file_path.
-Fixed: Gallery width when using Full Site Editing.

= 2.6.1 – 18.02.2022 =
-Fixed – array_merge error.

= 2.6.0 – 18.02.2022 =
-Fixed: Modula gallery display in tabs/accordions.
-Changed: Gallery title html element (from h2 to div),css as the selector is not longer h2.
-Changed: Default “Hide Title” setting value to ON.
-Fixed: Modula metabox return to default position if previously moved into the sidebar and further prevent dragging the metabox.
-Fixed: Get proper mime type.
-Fixed: Added tracking db options to uninstall process.
-Fixed: Unset link image attribute when importing from NextGEN.
-Fixed: Error when trying to get images that were not imported correctly / do not exist as entries in db.
-Changed: Lazy load setting default ON.
-Changed: Updated CPT settings conditions.
-Changed: Grid Automatic default Row Height from 150 to 250.
-Changed: Update settings texts.
-Changed: Last 5 galleries now appear in selectize without searching.
-Fixed: Incompatibility with Gutenberg block and widgets.
-Fixed: Modula Widget before and after args.
-Fixed: Sharing on LinkedIn.
-Changed: Import/Export page received a new design.
-Added: Link to Modula’s about page in the plugin’s branding header.
-Added: Upsell to Modula PRO in plugins page.
-Fixed: Migration from NextGEN galleries replacement for [nggallery id=”xx″] shortcode format.
-Fixed: JavaScript error when Syntax Highlighting is disabled.
-Fixed: Don’t enqueue scripts/styles when not needed.
-Fixed: Mobile/table gutter not working correctly.
-Fixed: Set a default widht of 100% when there is no value.
-Changed: Improved Upsells
-Fixed: Notice placing in settings.
-Fixed: Compatibility issue with Meow Lightbox.
-Added: Mobile Gallery Height setting.


= 2.5.5 – 04.10.2021 =
-Fixed: WP Cron fatal error.

= 2.5.4 – 14.09.2021 =
-Changed: Upsells update
-Fixed: Image cropping based on image alignment

= 2.5.3 – 26.07.2021 =
-Fixed: Method assignment for upsells
-Fixed: Screen option button

= 2.5.2 – 14.07.2021 =
-Fixed: Added data-srcset and data-sizes attributes for lazy load functionality
-Changed: Albums upsell
-Changed: Free vs Premium page and Upsells integration

= 2.5.1 – 05.04.2021 =
-Fixed: Gutter for mobile and tablet after Modula update from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0. Setting was displaying OK in backend but on frontend change wasn’t displayed correctly
-Fixed: Backwards compatibility for custom grid image size after Modula update from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0. Setting showed same value although in frontend the setting worked
-Fixed: srcset generated a nonexistent image.

= 2.5.0 – 01.04.2021 =
-Added: Only allow certain users to the Extensions page.
-Added: Responsive gutters.
-Added: Srcset and sizes for galleries images for both declared sizes and custom sizes.
-Added: Custom size and WordPress image sizes selection for galleries grid thumbnail.
-Added: FREE vs Premium page
-Added: Added debug info using WordPress’ Site Health + added an export option to export single galleries, used for both debugging and export/import operations.
-Fixed: Powered by links appear 2 times.
-Fixed: Gutenberg alignment issue when trying to make full width.
-Fixed: Elementor compatibility.
-Fixed: Selecting a gallery with no images in Gutenberg.
-Fixed: Modula’s galleries not being displayed properly in preview in Gutenberg.
-Fixed: Modula’s gallery selector not being displayed properly in it’s Gutenberg’s block.
-Fixed: Avada theme compatibility issue regarding color pickers.
-Fixed: Multiple same gallery in page issue.
-Fixed: JS error in admin when cycling through gallery’s images.
-Fixed: Lazy load incompatibility with Site Ground Optimizer plugin and Avada lazy loading.
-Fixed: Conflict where ResizeSensor was declared as global. Now it has been personalized.
-Fixed: Incompatibility with some themes, where the resize reset of Modula wasn’t working correctly.
-Fixed: Modula’s instance not being reset on tab switch.
-Fixed: Custom CSS’s tab editor was not showing correctly if the last tab was the Custom CSS tab.
-Changed: Extensions page and how it works
-Changed: Hover effects tab had been given an UI update.
-Changed: Social share now gives image URL instead of page URL and title/caption of image.


= 2.4.1 – 14.12.2020 =
-Fixed gallery right margin when on full width container
-Fixed hover effect Pufrobo transition when using Divi builder
-Fixed Uninstall message appearing on Network Plugins when using Multisite
-Added Galleries and Suggest a feature tab on Extensions page and updated the extensions page UI. Also added the Suggest a feature tab to galleries list view
-Fixed Feedback form getting out of view
-Fixed overwriting lightbox CSS when using multiple galleries on page

= 2.4.0 – 30.10.2020 =
-Fixed some typos
-Update migration function to use AJAX so that the PHP time limit won’t be an issue
-Fix incompatibility with certain themes – targeted CSS so that element design won’t be overwritten
-Removed Lightbox Upgrade Notice
-Added a default title to gallery on Gutenberg Modula block
-Fixed FooGallery grid type selection on migration
-Added Filter for Whitelabel
-Fixed cursor availability
-Fixed previewer jumping when changing from custom grid to columns
-Added powered by option
-Removed “Add new gallery” from the menu
-Improvements and fixes for lazy loading
-Added an “edit gallery” link below the gallery
-Added functionality to remember metabox tab on gallery update/switch
-Fixed Elementor widget.
-Preparation for Modula Defaults
-Fixed notice not disappearing
-Added a block for the Divi Builder
-Fixed migration for WP Core Galleries

= 2.3.7 – 27.08.2020 =
-Fixed Elementor widget.

= 2.3.6 – 18.08.2020 =
-Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.5 and Elementor plugin – thanks to @CRdeGraaf
-Fixed WP Core galleries migrate when there are multiple atts to WP Core Gallery

= 2.3.5 – 11.08.2020 =
-WordPress 5.5 compatibility fixes
-Small fixes

= 2.3.4 – 11.08.2020 =
-Small fixes

= 2.3.3 – 17.06.2020 =
-Fixed Importing Envira Galleries image size, custom dimensions and gutter.
-Social icons are now disabled by default when creating a new gallery.
-Added auto-suggest URL to image URL field.
-Added share via Email.
-Added “Save gallery”/”Update gallery” shortcut CTRL/CMD + S.
-Fixed copy shortcode button going under text
-Fixed JS error when trying to lazy load hidden items.
-Preparing Modula for Modula Download, Modula Exif and Modula Zoom add-ons.
-Added functionality to migrate FooGallery plugin galleries.
-Added CSS for 3rd level child setting
-Fix for lazy load columns
-Translation fixes

= 2.3.2 – 03.06.2020 =
–Fixed images dimensions
–Removed @getimagesize

= 2.3.1 – 21.05.2020 =
-Fixed Fancybox always opening, not depending on lightbox & links type
-Fixed lazyload for masonry columns
-Fixed layout rebuild on device orientation change

= 2.3.0 – 18.05.2020 =
-Replaced packery & masonry scripts with isotope script
-Changed lightbox to FancyBox from Lightbox2
-Modula admin UI improvements and updates
-Update conditional fields
-Fix hover effects
-Added in-view load functionality
-Added new gallery type – columns
-Fix for elementor opening another lightbox
-Overflowing admin bar fix
-Modula image files upload/select improvement
-Fix classic editor popup for no galleries
-Fix selecting a gallery in Elementor widget
-Added ALT text for the image inside the lightbox

= 2.2.8 – 27.03.2020 =
-Fixed undefined error

= 2.2.7 – 09.03.2020 =
-Fixed incompatibility with isotope.js
-Renamed our registered files name
-Fixed title/caption font size to reflect theme default
-Fixed scroll to top when opening lightbox
-If Title/Caption is hidden then hide settings also
-Hide settings if toggle is OFF for custom responsiveness
-Added Migrate functionality. Now it’s easier to migrate from another gallery to Modula
-Improved social media icons in preview
-Delete resized images when deleting attachment
-Added Import/Export sub-menu entry and tutorial

= 2.2.6 – 18.02.2020 =
-Improved Custom CSS textarea
-Improved how the lightbox closes
-Fixed Custom Gallery with gutter 0
-Removed feature box from extensions
-Changed font size settings

= 2.2.5 – 13.02.2020 =
-Fixed Captions
-Fixed security issue

= 2.2.4 – 05.02.2020 =
-Added ‘What’s new’ page
-Added Uninstall options to remove data entries from DB
-Added troubleshooting options to enqueue CSS and JS files everywhere
-Added support for WebP files
-Added WhatsApp as social icon
-Added numbers to hover effects
-Added cursor controls
-Added social icons size and gutter
-Fix max-width issue with Twenty Twenty theme
-Fix menu entry colouring bug
-Fix modula-item background
-Fixed copy shortcode button design bug
-Re-worded “Update” button
-Removed settings for default title and caption

= 2.2.3 – 06.01.2020 =
-Fixed Autoptimize HTML code optimization bug
-Fix warning for no uploaded image


= 2.2.2 – 31.12.2019 =
-Fixed rate pop-up

= 2.2.1 – 31.12.2019 =
-Fixed Gutenberg block

= 2.2.0 – 19.12.2019 =
-Added schema-data to gallery code
-Added image limit view to gallery list
-Fix Title and Caption for images inserted from Media Library
-Encode in Base64 prev, next and close .png icons
-Added a Modula Gallery insert button in classic editor
-Changed cursor icon to magnifying glass instead of a hand icon
-Added a Master Toggle in social settings panel that can disable all the social links from one toggle.

= 2.1.6 – 13.09.2019 =
-Added option for mobile caption and title font size
-Added Beaver Builder Block
-Added SiteOrigin builder widget
-Fixed Elementor block
-Added “Copy Shortcode” option

= 2.1.5 – 25.07.2019 =
-Fixed lazy load.

= 2.1.4 – 24.07.2019 =
-Change modula CSS classes
-Fixed hover effects
-Fixed how we calculate image height
-Added more hooks

= 2.1.3 – 10.07.2019 =
-Fixed show array instead of modula’s images

= 2.1.2 – 10.07.2019 =
Added more hooks
Fixed swipe navigation on lightbox
Fixed “Duplicate Gallery” showing on all post types.

= 2.1.1 – 25.06.2019 =
-Added Elementor Widget
-Added option to duplicate gallery
-Fixed issue with lightbox
-Fixed Range Slider UI
-Minor Dashboard UI improvements

= 2.1.0 – 03.06.2019 =
-Admin design improvements
-Fixed missing image
-Added sorting upsell

= 2.0.9 – 27.05.2019 =
-Fixed Extension menu color css
-Fixed PHP Notice
-Fixed undefined object javascript
-Removed random id

= 2.0.8 – 24.05.2019 =
-Added more options to the gutter’s settings
-Fixed galleries import/export
-Added option to change the color of an image’s title
-Removed Google+
-Added LinkedIn
-Fixed the issue when the gutter was big and the gallery not centered
-Added compatibility with Flatsome
-Fixed title and caption showing html
-Minor css backend improvements
-Added the option to dismiss feedback form

= 2.0.7 – 13.03.2019 =
-Improved save sistem
-Added Lazy Load function
-Fixed XSS issue
-Fixed minor CSS isues

= 2.0.6 – 13.03.2019 =
-Changed how we save images
-Change some strings
-Fixed “scroll issue”
-Added shortcode column
-Fixed error on IE
-Fixed random images with max count issue
-Added Filter tab as upsell
-Added option to hide/show lightbox arrow on desktop/mobile
-Fixed Custom responsiveness issue
-Added Gutenberg block

= 2.0.5 =
-Added responsive options for custom grid
-Compatibility with WP Real Media Library( https://matthias-web.com/wordpress/real-media-library/ )
-Fixed shuffle on custom grid
-Added swipe functionality on mobile for lightbox
-Enhanced Modula Media Library

= 2.0.4 =
-Fixed defaults ( Causing an issue on modula pro with filters )
-Fixed translations
-Prepared for Modula Speed Up
-Changed the checkboxes’ design
-Fixed Facebook share link

= 2.0.3 =
-All issues from here : https://github.com/MachoThemes/modula-lite/milestone/5?closed=1
-Added a new button ( Save & Close ) in edit image modal ( James Leesley recommendation )
-Renamed “Description” with “Caption” ( James Leesley recommendation )
-Fixed error on resize
-Fixed Shuffle
-Generated .po file

= 2.0.2 =
-Changed strings
-Fixed open new tab checkbox
-Fixed caption color
-Fixed caption & title size
-Fixed custom grid layout