How to Make a Transparent Watermark w/ Photoshop, Lightroom & more (2024)

Adding a transparent watermark to your images is one of the best ways to protect them from being stolen and used without permission.

But before you can add a watermark to your images, you must create it first. 

In this post, we’ll show you how to:

  • make a transparent watermark in popular programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom);
  • create one in Google Docs and PowerPoint;
  • use Modula to add a watermark to your pictures;
  • a few other things that will make you understand the importance of a watermark.

Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Why is it important to add a watermark to your pictures?

  • Watermark will protect your pictures from theft and piracy;
  • You will make yourself and your brand known;
  • Watermarks encourage print sales;
  • This way, you can promote your brand, and if someone shares your work, you can get more clients;
  • Having your watermark on pictures will make you look more professional.

How to Make a Transparent Watermark in Photoshop

Let’s start this tutorial with one of the most popular programs photographers use: Photoshop. 

Step 1: Open Photoshop

We’ll make a text-based watermark for this tutorial, so start by launching Photoshop.

Step 2: Create a new document

Create a new document with your preferred dimensions. I’ve set mine to 1600px x 200px, so the watermark is still visible when working with images of large dimensions.

I can also quickly scale the watermark down if I work with images with smaller dimensions. Don’t forget to set your background to transparent.

watermark in photoshop
Watermark in PhotoShop

Step 3: Enter Your Business Name

With your document open, select the Text tool and type in your business name. You can customize this with your preferred font or a brand font.

You can also play with the font size and color to make your watermark on brand and easily recognizable. 

watermark in photoshop
Adding your business name

Step 4: Reduce The Opacity

In the layers palette, reduce the opacity to around 50%. You can also make a few versions of your watermark with varying opacity levels to see which works best for your photos.

watermark in photoshop
Setting the opacity

Step 5: Export Your Transparent Watermark as PNG

The last step is to export your watermark as a transparent PNG document. You can now use it on all your photos.  

watermark in photoshop
Exporting the watermark as a PNG

How to Make a Transparent Watermark In Lightroom

Lightroom is another popular program for photographers and photography enthusiasts alike. You can easily make a transparent watermark in Lightroom.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Open Lightroom

Start by launching Lightroom and navigating to Lightroom > Edit watermarks. 

watermark in lightroom
Editing watermarks in Lightroom

Step 2: Choose Text or Graphic

When the Watermark editor loads, choose a text or graphic watermark. For this tutorial, we’ll create one from scratch with text, but you can just as easily import the watermark you’ve made in a program like Photoshop, as described above.

watermark in lightroom
Creating a new watermark

Step 3: Type in Your Business Name

By default, Lightroom will prefill the watermark text with your name, but you can easily replace it with your business name or whatever text you’d like.

watermark in lightroom
Add your business name to the watermark

Step 4: Adjust Font Settings

You can adjust text settings on the right-hand side and choose your font, alignment, and color.

watermark in lightroom
Choosing fonts and text colors

Step 5: Adjust Opacity and Size

Once you’re happy with how your watermark looks, reduce the opacity of the watermark. Be sure to adjust your watermark’s size and anchor, as this will control where the watermark is positioned on the screen.

watermark in lightroom
Setting the opacity in Lightroom

Step 6: Save Your Watermark

The last step is to save your watermark as a preset. Click the Save button and add a name for your newly created watermark. 

watermark in lightroom
Saving your watermark in Lightroom

How to Make a Transparent Watermark In Illustrator

Creating a transparent watermark in Illustrator is similar to making one in Photoshop.

Step 1: Open Illustrator

Start by launching Illustrator first.

Step 2: Create a New Document

Create a new document and set the dimensions to whatever you choose. I’ve set mine to 1600px x 200px, as shown in the screenshot below.

watermark in illustrator
Creating a new document in Illustrator

Step 3: Add Your Business Name

Select the Text tool and add your business name. Customize the font, the size of your text, and the color. 

watermark in illustrator
Adding your business name

Step 4: Reduce Opacity

Reduce the opacity of your watermark to around 50%. As with Photoshop, play around with opacity until you’re happy with how your watermark looks. You can also save several versions of your watermark with different opacity settings. 

watermark in illustrator
Setting the watermark’s opacity in Lightroom

Step 5: Export Your Watermark

When you’re done, export your watermark as a transparent PNG.

watermark in illustrator
Exporting a watermark from Illustrator

How to Make a Transparent Watermark In Google Docs

Creating a watermark in Google Docs is not straightforward, but it can be done. In a nutshell, you’ll use Google Docs drawing tools to add your watermark as an image.

Step 1: Insert Your Image in Your Google Doc

If you want to make a transparent watermark in Google Docs, you’ll need to add the photo to which you wish to apply the watermark.

watermark in google docs
Adding a photo to Google Docs

Step 2: Adjust Image Opacity

Click the image you’ve uploaded and adjust its opacity by going to Image options > Transparency and moving the slider as needed. 

watermark in google docs
Adjusting the image opacity in Google Docs

Step 3: Create Your Watermark

Once you’re happy with the image opacity, click CTRL+C to copy the image and then go to Insert > Drawing. When the Drawing window opens, paste your image. 

watermark in google docs
Pasting your image in the Drawing window.

You’ll then want to select the text tool and drag the text box to where you want your watermark to appear on the image. Type in your business name and customize the font, size, and color.

watermark in google docs
Adding your business name over the image in Google Docs.

Step 4: Save Your Watermark

You can then click Save and Close button. You’ll have to repeat this process for each image you add to your document. 

watermark in google docs
Saving your watermark

How to Make a Transparent Watermark In Word

Microsoft Word comes with six premade watermarks that you can use to protect your documents and photos within them. Here’s how to add them. 

Step 1: Switch to the Design Tab

In your Word document, switch to the Design tab and select Watermark.

Opening the Design tab in Microsoft Word
Opening the Design tab in Microsoft Word

Step 2: Add Your Watermark

When the Insert Watermark dialog appears, select Text, choose one of the premade watermarks, or type in your own. 

Adding a watermark
Adding a watermark

Step 3: Adjust Watermark Settings

Customize your watermark by choosing your desired font, layout, size, colors, and orientation.

Specify how you want the watermark to appear
Specify how you want the watermark to appear

Step 4: Save Your Changes

When you’re happy with how your watermark looks, click OK to save your changes. 

How to Make a Transparent Watermark In PowerPoint

To add a watermark to your PowerPoint presentation, you’ll need to create it first with a program like Photoshop or Illustrator, following the steps we outlined earlier in this article. Then, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Switch to Slide Sorter View

With your PowerPoint presentation open, go to View > Slide Sorter. Select all the slides that you want to add the watermark to.

Open the Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint
Open the Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint

Step 2: Insert Your Watermark Image

With your slides selected, right-click on any slide and select Format background > Picture or Texture Fill. Choose your saved watermark image. 

Select your saved watermark image to add.
Select your saved watermark image to add.

Step 3: Adjust the Opacity

Then, use the transparency slider to adjust the opacity of your watermark. Drag the slider until you’re happy with how your watermark appears. You can also tile the picture as a texture and play around with the offset settings.

Adjust the opacity of the watermark
Adjust the opacity of the watermark

Step 4: Apply the Watermark to All Slides and Save

Don’t forget to click Apply to all button to apply your watermark to all your slides. Then, save your presentation. 

How to Make a Transparent Watermark With Modula

watermark with Modula
Modula makes it easy to add transparent watermarks to images.

If you want to add a transparent watermark to the photos on your website without re-uploading them, you can use Modula. We’ve already covered how to add a watermark in Modula in our tutorial on how to watermark photos, so all you need to do is follow the steps in the article.

Modula Gallery Plugin

Create stunning, responsive photo galleries with ease. Showcase your work, captivate your audience, and boost engagement. You don’t need to do any coding.

If you want to prevent your images from being copied online, adding a transparent watermark can help deter people from stealing and misusing them.

Make your work easier, follow these tips, and add transparent watermarks to your pictures. It would be best to have subtle watermarks not to burden your photographs.

Check out our piece on the best WordPress watermark plugins to use now – it should make choosing a proper watermarking plugin much easier.

Creating a watermark with a background remover tool

This method is ideal if your future watermark consists of an element of a picture (like a logo). In this case, using a background remover tool is very helpful.

Just upload the photo, hit a button, and the background magically disappears and will be transparent. Therefore, the resulting picture can be used as a watermark wherever you wish.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of alternatives for making transparent watermarks for your pictures. And also a lot of programs and software that will make everything easier.

You only have to find and design a watermark that suits your style. Don’t forget that watermarks are an excellent way to make yourself and your masterpieces known.

This is how you sign your art.

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Cristian Raiber

Self-taught entrepreneur with a deep passion for learning, understanding human nature and what drives businesses forward. Our products are being used by over 7500,000 users, daily.


  1. hi there. Instructions in Step 5 imply we should know how to do the rest.
    “Step 5: Export Your Transparent Watermark as PNG

    The last step is to export your watermark as a transparent PNG document. You can now use it on all your photos. ”

    How do I import it?
    how can I apply it to photos?
    Thank you

  2. Hello Nicola, thanks for your comment. There’s no need to import your watermark, as the tutorial teaches you how to create it in the previous steps. Regarding applying your watermark to your pictures, because this is an article dedicated exclusively to creating a transparent watermark, we didn’t include that. In the near future, we will consider publishing an article on this topic.

    Thank you and have a great day!

    • You mean how to use the actual watermark once you’ve created it?

      That would totally depend on the tools you’re using to watermark your images. Are you using Photoshop, Illustrator, an online tool, a CMS?

  3. I am a photographer. I am sharing my photos online but Many people use my photos without my permission. So I wanted to put my transparent name as a watermark as my identity in my picture. I hope your post will help me to create a transparent watermark.

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