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Miha B

Mihaela has a strong affinity for literature - from the classical to the contemporary, she finds great solace in the written word. She is a dog enthusiast and has a particular fondness for spending time with her furry friends.

Modula Loading Effects

Enhance the visual appeal of your image galleries with Modula’s Loading Effects feature. This powerful tool allows you to add dynamic animations to your images, creating an engaging user experience. In this documentation, we’ll explore the different loading effects available…

Max images count setting

The Max images count setting in Modula allows you to limit the number of images displayed in your gallery. This option is available in the General tab once you upgrade to the pro version of Modula. Why use Max Images…

Modula style settings

The Style Settings can be found under the gallery’s settings. Go to Modula > Galleries > edit a gallery > scroll down to ‘Style’. Border Size: set the border size of your images in the gallery (in pixels). It will…

Gallery Types

Modula has 4 gallery types:  Creative Gallery Modula’s creative gallery uses an intelligent algorithm that organizes and resizes thumbnails to occupy the available gallery space in the most advantageous way. In a way, you could say that our Creative Gallery…