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Miha B

Mihaela has a strong affinity for literature - from the classical to the contemporary, she finds great solace in the written word. She is a dog enthusiast and has a particular fondness for spending time with her furry friends.

Modula Right Click Protection Extension

Modula Right Click Protection is a premium extension designed to safeguard your creative work by preventing visitors from easily downloading images. This extension disables the right-click and Alt+click options, making it challenging for users to download images directly. Additionally, it…

Modula Speed Up Extension

The Modula Speed Up extension is a powerful tool designed to enhance the performance of your website by optimizing the loading speed of your Modula galleries. This premium extension offers features like lossless compression, lossy compression, and glossy compression to…

Modula Video Extension

The Modula Video Settings extension enhances your Modula galleries by allowing you to seamlessly integrate videos. This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring the video settings, including autoplay options, display preferences, and adding YouTube/Vimeo videos or self-hosted videos to your…

Modula Albums extension

What is the Modula Albums extension? Modula Albums is an extension that helps you display multiple galleries on a page and organize them into albums. What is it useful for? Let’s say that we have more galleries and we’d like…

Misaligned Meta Boxes in Modula

The gallery’s meta boxes can be moved and sometimes users move them without meaning to and this happens: When this happens you will need to move them back using drag and drop. Simply click on ‘Gallery‘ > hold it >…

Cannot Update the Premium Plugin or Extensions

Updating the premium Modula plugin and its extensions is crucial to ensure your website remains secure, bug-free, and optimized with the latest features. However, there are instances where updating can be problematic. This guide will help you identify and address…