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  4. Modula Video – How to Loop Self-Hosted Videos

Modula Video – How to Loop Self-Hosted Videos

Modula Video is a versatile plugin that allows users to seamlessly integrate videos into their Modula galleries. In this documentation article, we will guide you through the process of looping self-hosted videos using custom code. Looping videos can be a useful feature for enhancing user engagement and improving the overall viewing experience on your website.


Before proceeding with the steps outlined in this guide, ensure that you have the following:

  1. WordPress Installation: Make sure you have a WordPress website up and running.
  2. Modula: the main lite/free plugin installed and active.
  3. Modula Pro: the premium plugin installed and activated on the website. You will also need to activate your license key.
  4. Modula Video: Install and activate the Modula Video extension on your WordPress site.

Looping Self-Hosted Videos

To loop self-hosted videos, follow the steps below. We recommend using a child theme to make changes to your theme’s files safely.

Step 1: Access the Theme’s functions.php File

  1. Open your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Navigate to “Appearance” and then click on “Theme Editor.”
  3. On the right-hand side, locate and click on “Theme Functions (functions.php)”.

Step 2: Add the Looping Code

Paste the following code at the end of your theme’s functions.php file:

$(document).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function () {
if( $("video").prop('muted') ){
$("video").prop('muted', false);

Step 3: Save Changes

After adding the code, click the “Update File” button to save the changes to your theme’s functions.php file.

Additional Tip: Use a Child Theme

It’s always recommended to use a child theme when making changes to your theme’s files. This ensures that your modifications won’t be lost during theme updates. If you’re unfamiliar with creating a WordPress child theme, you can follow this guide: How to Create a WordPress Child Theme.


By following these steps, you can easily enable video looping for self-hosted videos on your WordPress website using the Modula Video plugin. Enhance user engagement and provide a seamless viewing experience by incorporating this feature into your multimedia content.

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