Modula Video Extension

The Modula Video Settings extension enhances your Modula galleries by allowing you to seamlessly integrate videos. This guide provides detailed instructions on configuring the video settings, including autoplay options, display preferences, and adding YouTube/Vimeo videos or self-hosted videos to your galleries.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. Modula and Modula Pro Plugins: Ensure that both Modula plugins are installed and activated on your WordPress site.
  2. Modula Video Settings Extension: Purchase and install the Modula Video Settings extension to unlock video integration features.
  3. Modula Pro License: Activate your Modula Pro license to access premium extensions including this one. You can purchase a license key from the official Modula website.

Installing Modula Video Extension

Follow these steps to install the Modula Video extension:

  1. Purchase the Extension: Acquire the Modula Video extension from the official Modula website.
  2. Download the Extension: Once purchased, download the extension as a zip file.
  3. Install the Extension in WordPress:
    -> Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    -> Navigate to “Plugins” and click on “Add New.”
    -> Choose the “Upload Plugin” button.
    -> Select the downloaded zip file and click “Install Now.”
    -> Activate the extension once the installation is complete. If you encounter any difficulties during the installation process, kindly refer to our comprehensive guide on installing Modula Pro Extensions.

Configuring Modula Video Settings

Autoplay Videos > Autoplay starts the video instantly after it loads, without the need to click the play button. On iOS, Autoplay is supported only for self-hosted videos. Videos will autoplay on mute. For more details check video policies. Click here to see a demo.

Display Play Icon > Show or hide the button to start the video. Click here to see a demo.

  • Use custom icon > Activate this option to upload a custom icon for the start button of the video. Demo here.
  • Play Icon Color > Change the color of the play icon. Click here to see a demo.
  • Play Icon Size > Adjust the size of the icon in pixels. See a demo.

Adding YouTube/Vimeo Video URL

  1. Go to “Modula” and click on “Galleries.”
  2. Select the gallery where you want to add a video.
  3. Click on the edit icon (pencil) for the image where you want to insert a video.
  4. Paste the YouTube or Vimeo video URL in the designated place.
  5. Save by clicking the “Update” button.

Demo Links:

  1. Upload the self-hosted video to the Media Library.
  2. Select the .mp4 video.
  3. Copy its link.
  4. Go to “Modula” > “Galleries” > Select gallery.
  5. Click on the image where you want to insert the self-hosted video.
  6. Insert the video link in the URL link field.
Select the uploaded video from Media Library.

Copy the video’s URL from Media Library and paste it in the Modula Gallery inside the Video URL field of the image you want.

Demo Link:

By following this guide, you can effectively configure the Modula Video Settings extension to customize the behavior and appearance of videos within your galleries. Whether you’re using external video URLs from YouTube or Vimeo, or adding self-hosted videos, Modula provides a seamless integration experience for enhanced multimedia content in your WordPress site.

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